Role-playing games, the 6 W's (What, Why, How...) and mind maps? It might sound a bit like elementary school, but they are real methods of design thinking! You would think that problem solving at a software company would always just be about algorithms and calculations - but quite the opposite. Design Thinking uses 'unconventional', creative and often very fun methods to solve predefined problems. The process can usually be divided into five phases:
The best way to understand this process is with an example! We want to find a solution for students who cannot find their way around campus. This is how we do it:
Changing People's Lives – that's what SAP lives every day. That's exactly why design thinking is the ideal method - it actively focuses on what the user needs and how he or she can best be helped.
Has your interest been piqued? Then you can learn more about this topic completely free of charge here on openSAP: Design Thinking in a Nutshell | openSAP